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Medeshamstede Academy


Admission procedure for Medeshamstede Academy

The placing authority for pupils attending the Medeshamstede Academy is Peterborough Local Authority (LA) who will name the Academy on the pupil’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). A provision panel with a multi-professional membership considers and advises the LA on suitability for a placement in our special school. 

Information about the SEND Local Offer can be found at:

Places are funded through Peterborough special schools activity-led funding.  This is a generational model used to fairly distribute DSG funding from the high needs block to special schools.  Places at the Medeshamstede Academy may also be commissioned by other surrounding local authorities. 

Admission arrangements are through consultation with Peterborough LA and the provision panel.  Places will usually be taken up at the start of the academic year.  However, if a place is available, it may be taken up at any time of year.

Pupils who are successful in a specialist setting may return to a mainstream setting at any time, following appropriate review of their EHCP. 

Admission Criteria

The age range of our pupils are 4 -16 years.  

All pupils at the Medeshamstede Academy have an EHCP for communication and interaction as their main presenting need.  All pupils have a diagnosis of Autism.  Pupils may have additional needs associated with autism, including sensory and physical and cognition and learning needs.  

Consultation for a place

Prior to naming Medeshamstede in the EHCP, the LA will have consulted fully with the Academy in line with their statutory obligations.  The Principal will consider the following in responding to the LA's request for a placement:

  • The Academy is suitable for the child’s age, ability, aptitude and special educational needs
  • The child’s placement in the Academy would be compatible with the efficient education of the other children with whom the child would be educated
  • The placement is an efficient use of resources
  • Parents have expressed a preference for the Academy (or in cases of dispute between parents and the LA, the LA intends to name the Academy on the EHCP)
  • The child has an EHCP indicating ASD as the primary need

Appeal arrangements where a referring agent wishes to question a decision about admission

The SEND Code of Practice entitles parents to appeal to the SEN and Disability Tribunal if their home LA refuses to name the school in the EHCP or the School refuses to offer a place.

How do we support new pupils and families transitioning to Medeshamstede ?

New pupils receive a personalised transition plan to support them. This begins with a visit to look around the Academy where the pupil will meet their class teacher, peers and support staff. Social stories and visual supports help new pupils in preparing for starting their new school. Parents will also receive an induction pack with key information about the Academy, policies, and other important information.

A transition meeting is held with parents/carers and the child to share further information we need to know.  Other professionals may also attend the transition meeting. 

Provision is delivered at a pace that does not overwhelm, as we understand that pupils are coping with change and transition.

In the first 6 weeks of starting, pupils may attend part time.  This allows them to settle well and manage any anxiety at their own pace.  The transition leader liaises with parents frequently and will plan for next steps with parents and the child in building up to full time attendance in school after the first half term. 

During the first 6 weeks, we perform an informal baseline assessment through our observations.  This tells us what a pupil knows and can do and what their next steps need to be.  From this assessment, targets will be set for the term ahead.  If appropriate, pupils will co-produce a personalised Pupil Profile, Behaviour Management Plan and visual menu to support self-regulation.  These documents enable pupil voice for how staff can further support pupil needs. 

LA Transport Service

Many pupils access the local authority transport service to and from the academy, arranged by parents/carers through their LA.  This is funded by the pupil’s LA if the criteria for distance between home and school is met.